Elephant Jungle Paradise Park

Elephant Sanctuary Thailand

Elephant Jungle Paradise Park


时间: 08.00 - 08.30 am => 15.30 - 16.00 pm

If you are looking to have the time of your life with some of the most amazing elephants, then you need to visit the Elephant Jungle Paradise Park! You’ll get to enjoy bathing with your elephant, and also enjoy dinner by a majestic waterfall with the local Mahouts. Kinny is the current coordinator of the Elephant Jungle Paradise Park, and also the first of his generation to own and operate an elephant sanctuary. He is dedicated to maintaining a safe and caring environment for the elephants that he cares about. After learning how to care for, and nurture elephants, Kinny decided the only option he had was to open his own elephant sanctuary, and Elephant Jungle Paradise was born! Kinny tours the country, rescuing elephants from logging camps as well as poorly run riding attractions.


He believes that with respect and kindness, the elephants will be happy and healthy, enjoying a long and healthy life.  

成人 :: ฿2400
儿童 :: ฿1600
Date ::   
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* 儿童年龄介于 4 和 9 岁之间

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