Aonang Elephant Sanctuary
全天下午: 13th Apr

Here at our sanctuary, we organize the gentle care of old and retired elephants that have been rescued from elephant riding camps or logging industry for work purposes. Mostly, the elephants that have been rescued are old and retired. They are no longer be able to work anymore in the tourism industry or logging industry. Then we came up with the question “where those old elephants would go after?” the possible answers wouldn’t be so impressive. As the elephant is the sacred and national animal of Thailand, we see this problem becoming an alarming issue across the country. By establishing the Aonang Elephant Sanctuary, it is our aim to actively work as part of the solution, to rescue and provide a natural living environment for elephants, and to ensure they have enough food and a decent living standard in their sunset years. We show you the ways to take care of those elephants by our tour guide and elephant caretaker including feeding, cooking for supplementary food, take them to play and reduce their heats in the mud and enjoy bathing with them in the pool. We invite you to come and play an important role in helping this majestic and endangered mammal's future and enjoyable new life as we work together as a team. We provide experiences for you to touch, cook, feed, and bathe with the elephants. If you are interested in joining us and being part of our community